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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Bling, Fundraisers, and Such

So Spring Bling was amazing! I learned so much and really got excited that I work for such a wonderful boss-me! Mary Christensen was an great speaker. She was easy to listen to and a joy to hear. Please take some time to visit her website and friend her on facebook. I bought "How the be a Recruiting Superstar" from her and I look forward to sharing some tid-bits with the team. I would love to do a book study. Let me know if you are game.

I am also in the midst of some great fundraisers. I had never done a fundraiser until last month and I have now closed out 3 and waiting on 2 more. I inputted over 1200 in orders last night. I am excited to see how fundraisers benefit my business!

Don't forget we have a conference call tonight at 9:00 CST. Check your email for the number.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting Ready for Spring Bling

Well, I am anxious for Spring Bling. This will be my first large presentation with Scentsy. I am excited to share what I have learned and even more excited to hear from others in the business. I received word today that they will be accepting registration at the door, so there is still time to come! Trust is well worth the registration cost and the drive!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Judge!

Wanted to share a story with you guys:
I was at Big Lots the other day. I ran into a lady that I teach with. Turns out that she was not there shopping but she was there working a part time job! After some conversation, I learned that it was actually her last day working there because she just couldn't do it all anymore-full time job, part time job, wife, mother to 2, etc. Well if you know me, that was my open door to talk about Scentsy and how Scentsy could help her achieve her goals. While I was chatting with her, my hubby was talking to the big burly furniture manager about a table we were buying. He overheard what I was talking about and started asking questions about it. I was out of catalogs in my purse*gasp* but I did find an old outdated "Host" brochure. I gave that to him just to show him the pics of the warmers and such. I figured he would just hand it right back, but instead, he folded it and put it in his pocket.
The next day, a girl called me and said "I am "so and so's" roommate. He brought home your brochure and said I need to have a party. While I was on the phone with her working out the details of getting her a basket tester set, he was in the background hollering out that he wanted to buy a warmer. My hostess told him to wait so she could put it on her party :)
I took her the tester set tonight so I am excited to see how this party turns out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Bling

Well, I am finally prepared for my presentation at Spring Bling. I cannot wait to share what I have learned. I hope that you will all try your best to make it out to Norman, OK this Saturday. It will definately be an amazing day of training and inspiration. I would like each of those in attendance to post a comment to our team blog when you return. Please share with us one "ah ha" moment from Spring Bling.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Being a Mom

Well, here I am at home with a sick kiddo. I really can't wait until next school year when I won't have to worry about writing sub plans when I need to care for one of my children. Scentsy has truly blessed my family. This company has been an answer to prayer for us. Thanks to Scentsy, I am going to have the opportunity to focus on my duties as a wife, mother, homeowner, daughter, etc... Many of these things have been put on a back burner in the past because of other obligations. I am so excited to have time to focus on the important things in life! GO SCENTSY!